Thursday, September 27, 2012

Florida Real Estate Condos – Market Update

It seems that Florida real estate condos are making a comeback this year. Ever since the housing crisis disaster, real estate in many parts of the state is coming to life again. Fort Lauderdale. Boca Raton, and even pricey South Beach are reporting healthy sales.

The Cycle

The real estate market is a cycle. There are periods of growth accompanied by periods of decline. It is a never-ending circle of events influenced by the economy, immigration, and government policy among others. Back in 2006 when the real estate market reached its peak levels, the prices of Florida real estate condos recorded their best value in 30 years. Demand was high, fueled mostly by sub-prime borrowing. Many people were actually waiting for their chance to purchase a condo of their own. In some areas there was a waiting list. When 2010 came around, most, if not all of those events, were a fable. Most of the people that were lured by the promise of sub-prime loans lost their properties when foreclosure after foreclosure hit the state.

Empty Units

All of a sudden there was an abundance of empty condo units, as their value dwindled with each passing year. By 2011, the market value was already half of what they were during their peak in 2006. Many of the new units and buildings that were recently finished after a year when the market collapsed stood unoccupied. Lack of buyers led to an oversupply of units, which led to more price cuts.

Market Comeback

As of today, many of the prime waterfront properties and condominium units have been sold to foreign buyers, mostly Canadians. Signs of the recovery were first seen in the latter part of 2010, and picked up momentum in 2011 and finally 2012. For people that are keen on looking to get in, there are still a number of units left – mostly from foreclosures that have just gone through. Many experts believe that the state is in the very early stages of recovery. It is estimated that about 49,000 condo units are being constructed to keep up with the increasing demand. The inventory of condos priced under a million dollars is now down to a few units.

If you want to know how you can cash in on the Florida real estate condos visit: 

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